Apr 29, 2019
In this episode we touch on some effects of artificial sweetened and some ways to avoid/substitute them, as well as the damaging effects of sunburn, and a quick touch on keeping your workout routine even with the change of seasons!
All good things!
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Apr 18, 2019
In this episode we chat about how to stay healthy and on routine while traveling to BEAT jet lag and stay regular (ring ring Conference Call). We also talk about details on how to afford travel and getting around the excuses that you keep creating as to WHY you "can't" live the life you...
Apr 11, 2019
Episode #32 takes a deeper look at why you may be having trouble falling asleep quickly and I offer my personal tips and trick! We also touch on the healthy SWEET treat I have been noshing on for the past month that doesn't make me CONTINUOUSLY crave more. Lastly but not least, I give you guys more information on my...
Apr 3, 2019
In this episode we talk about losing the last 5lbs and the surprising WHY you can't quite shed it! We touch on my favorite noodle recipe that you can eat in VOLUME- as well as sharing a bit of information on processed sugars. More to come babes!