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Hotter Than Health

Hotter Than Health, A podcast & resource for those looking to expand and elevate their health - bringing you interviews and conversations with leaders and innovators in the wellness space each week.

Nov 30, 2023

When life gets busy, what are some of the self-care and wellness routines you stick to? Which are the first ones to get sacrificed?

If you are like me and so many others, there are patterns we fall victim to when it comes to distractions from our own personal health.

We chat about mindset to stay motivated, recognizing...

Nov 23, 2023

If there are two things we agree on they are

  1. Most people love coffee/caffeine but likely drink a little too much and have some adverse effects (sleep, anxious, dehydrated)
  2. The holidays can throw us off our nutrition/routine game 

In this episode we break down what is going on with our bodies when we consume caffeine...

Nov 14, 2023

Am I in a wellness rut? Or is it something else? In this solo episode we vent and break down the difference in a wellness "rut" and simply getting deeper into our habits. 


A mini brain dump for those in the wellness season that seems a little different.


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Nov 2, 2023

As it gets 🥶 chillier out and the seasons are changing, we tend to see the same types of recipes out there. Personally, I don't want someone to just keep recommending brussels and sweet potato. I love them, but it's time for some CLEAN, easy, high protein, and dairy free recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and...